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Spiritual Conference –11th September, 2023

St. Pope Paul VI, in his decree on priestly training (Optatam Totius, 8) emphasizes that "the students should learn to live according to the Gospel ideal, to be strengthened in faith, hope, and charity, so that, in the exercise of the spiritual practices, they may acquire the spirit of prayer, learn to defend and strengthen their vocation, obtain an increase of other virtues, and grow in the zeal to win all people for Christ.” Accordingly, the seminary had arranged for a spiritual conference on September 11, 2023, on the theme Mary: A constant prayer. It was animated by Ms. Ruth D’Souza. She shared in the light of scripture how Mary stands as a model of constant prayer. She highlighted four incidents from the scripture to indicate the prayer life of Mary. Firstly, during the annunciation (Lk 1:26-37), Mary was attentive to God’s call, no matter what she was doing. Secondly, at the wedding feast (Jn 2:1–12), Mary was aware of the distress of the people, and immediately she went to Jesus. Thirdly, at the foot of the cross (Jn 19:25), Mary had an intimate relationship with God, which enabled her to stand under the cross. Fourthly, Mary gathered the apostles and prayed with them for the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:14). Furthermore, she put forth many reflective questions for the seminarians to meditate on and encouraged them to have prayer and the Word of God as twin foundations of their priestly ministry to be sensitive priests in the future in the footprints of Mary, our mother, carrying God to all people.

Br Roger Ruther Ford

2nd Year Philosophy



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