Republic Day celebration, 26th January, 2023
The St Pius X family celebrated India's 74th Republic day. We began with the Holy Eucharist at 6.45am celebrated by Fr Aniceto Pereira and a beautiful reflection preached by Br Ashley Vaz reminding us of the virtue of freedom. After the Eucharist we assembled outside the porch for the flag hoisting ceremony. Br. Aldin Koli was the commander and the chief guest for the event was Sr. Fabian Jose who hoisted the national flag, after which she gave us an insightful message on the 5 R's – Recall, Reverence, Reconcile, Reach out and be a Ray of hope to all. After this, our Rector Fr Aniceto Pereira gave us his message and urged all to strive to live up to the values of our Constitution and thanked all members of the community for their efforts in their help to make this event joyous and eventful.
Br Joshua D’Souza
1st Year Philosophy