Recollection and Reconciliation, 17th March, 2023
The last monthly recollection of this academic year was held on Friday, 17 March. The recollection consisted of two sessions led by Fr. Cleophas Fernandes. The theme of the morning session was, 'Walk the Extra Mile: A Call to Generosity.' The talk was based on the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 5:41, “whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two”. In the light of his rich pastoral experience Fr. Cleophas brought out the need for walking that extra mile, which helps us to transform the lives of those around us and gives meaning to our ministry. The speaker also pointed out instances from the gospel and also real-life examples like St. Maximilian Kolbe and Fr. Stan Swamy. The session ended with the question, 'What is the extra mile God wants me to take now, as a seminarian?' Later in the morning, there was a time for adoration and silent prayer. The seminarians also had a chance to make confession.
The second session of the day was led by Fr. Cleophas along with Mr. Francis and Mrs. Christine, a married couple who are in charge of Engaged Encounter in the Archdiocese. The topic for the session was 'Marriage and Priesthood: Mutually Inspiring'. The speakers shared their vocation story and also detailed about the joy as well as the difficulties encountered in their vocation. The speakers also reminded us that we are all called to be faithful to God. The recollection ended with the Holy Mass.
Br Joywin Thadavious
1st Year Philosophy