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Pongal Celebration - 20 January, 2023

Pongal is the main festival celebrated in southern India. It is a harvest festival. The celebration marks the importance of natural resources and a good harvest for the season. Therefore, the brothers belonging to the various dioceses of southern India along with the St. Pius X Community celebrated Pongal festival in the seminary on January 20, 2023. The day began with a solemn Eucharistic celebration at 7 a.m. with Fr. Gnana Jyothi, Priest-in-charge at Christ the King Church, Govandi, as the main celebrant. The theme for the Eucharist was "Thanksgiving." Fr Gnana Jyothi emphasized the significance of Pongal celebrations in Tamil culture, recalling his own childhood memories. In the afternoon, there was sumptuous food prepared and served in the Tamil tradition, followed by a cultural programme with a dance and choral performance by the brothers. Fr Aniceto, the Rector, spoke about the Pongal festival and distributed gifts to the parishioners of Our Lady of Rosary Church, Goregaon West, who assisted in preparing food for the celebration. Grateful thanks to everyone who contributed to making this day a huge success and a meaningful event.

Br Roger Ruther Ford A

1st Year Philosophy


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