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Ordination Service: 2nd April, 2022

Finally, the much-awaited day dawned for deacons Herold Quadros and Aaron Sequeria, 2nd April 2022, the day of their priestly ordination. The day of Ordination is the most important event not only for the deacons, but also for the entire Seminary. It is the climax of all the planning, preparations, activities involving Fathers, brothers, the non-teaching staff and the workers. Well, this indeed is what the Seminary is all about, forming ‘Ambassadors for Christ’.

The Holy Eucharist commenced at 10.00 a.m. with a konkani entrance hymn sung by the men in black – ‘brother’s choir’ group. The long procession with the thurifer and cross-bearer right in front, followed by the altar servers, priests, ordinandi, bishops, and the Cardinal, all dressed in their golden liturgical vestments all signified the solemnity of the service.

In his homily his eminence Cardinal Oswald Gracias referred to the ordinandi as ‘post-pandemic priests’, with a very great challenge lying in front of them. His Eminence advised them not to give in to the temptation of immediately jumping into action – to do something; to do, to do. Rather he told them that they need to pray, discuss and plan a proper strategy for effective ministry. He also warned them that service should never replace prayer, for that would only cause much harm to their priesthood. His Eminence reminded the ordinandi to focus upon house-visitation, sitting for confessions and being available to people in their ministry.

His Eminence also encouraged the ordinandi with the words: “fear not, have courage, you can achieve much; turn to the Lord, you are his priests, he sends you out, he accompanies you; with the Lord everything is possible”.

The homily was then followed by the rite of ordination to the priesthood. The litany of the saints was sung very solemnly, causing one to feel God’s tangible presence. The laying-on of hands and the anointing with holy Chrism completed the ordination rites. The Rector of the Seminary then presented the newly ordained priests, Fr. Herold Quadros and Fr. Aaron Sequeira, to the congregation. All congratulated them with a huge round of applause. At the end of the ceremony, Fr. Herold gave the vote of thanks on behalf of the newly-ordained. Finally, the ordinati gave their first priestly blessing to the congregation. The function ended with everyone participating in a fellowship lunch. We thank God for the gift of Fr. Herold and Fr. Aaron to the Archdiocese of Bombay.

Br. Anthony Rodrigues

2nd Year Theology



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