Newcomers Day Celebration, 6th July, 2022
St. Pius Family kick-started its year with its first program titled “A New Beginning- Saying Yes” for its Newcomers. The program began with a Prayer Song fused into an action song. Each batch of newcomers from various classes put up numerous fun-filled, entertaining, and meaningful plays and group dances. There was indeed an outpouring of insightful messages given out during these sub-programs. The Newcomers Day Program culminated with the Shepherd addressing the St. Pius Family. The Rector, Fr. Aniceto Pereira, once again warmly welcomed the newcomers and laid a special emphasis on the characteristics and values of a Family. He touched upon aspects such as respect, freedom, unity, common mission, and reconciliation. He exhorted everyone to consider the St. Pius Family as a Sacred Space and invited all of us to emulate the features of a family. He ended by wishing good health and love to all.
Jewlyn Fialho
2nd-year Theology