Lenten Recollection- 14th February, 2024.
Rev. Fr. Neil Dos Santos led us into a recollection to usher in a spirit-filled Lenten season. He emphasized the importance of the two-fold process of regeneration and conversion as well as circumcision of the heart. Lent, he stressed, was a time to make place for God and deepen our lives in holiness. The second session revolved around our vocation and as future priests. We were reminded of our calling to holiness and the various preparatory dimensions and exercises the seminary life offers us to make us holy. “We cannot give what we don’t have,” was a wake-up call for us to use lent to reflect on ourselves and begin striving towards holiness. Based on his experiences, Fr. Neil listed out the traits that the laity look for in priests, which made the whole session practical. The day ended with the holy eucharist where the ashes reminded us of our finitude and dependence on God.
Br Mathew Fernandes
2nd Year Philosophy