Institution of Lector and Acolyte - 2023
The 13th of July was a joyful day for the St. Pius X Community as the students of I Year and II Year Theology received the ministries of Lector and Acolyte. The Eucharistic celebration's theme was "Arise, go proclaim, and serve." Seven first-year Theology students received the ministry of Lector, and Nine second-year Theology students received the ministry of Acolyte.
The ministry of Lector denotes the responsibility of proclaiming the Word of God to the community. The Acolyte will serve the Lord by assisting the Priest during the Eucharistic celebrations. The mass was presided over by His Lordship, Bp. Percival Fernandez. He emphasized the candidates need to be close to God in prayer and service during his Homily. We pray to God to shower his blessings on them so that they serve the Church with love and righteousness.
Br Melvin Varghese
1st Year Theology