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The Group Building Days are one of the most awaited days by the seminarians. This is because in normal circumstances every group would go outside the Seminary to a special place and just bond with everyone in the group while engaging in various types of activities. However this year due to the pandemic it was impossible to go out; and so we had the Group Building days in the Seminary itself from 24th to 26th October. Each group planned different activities throughout the day. There were groups which had Morning Prayer and Mass either on the terrace or on the grounds depending on their choice. One of the groups also cooked a meal together in the Seminary kitchen. There were also different fun-filled games, and even water games. The groups spent time with informative sessions on different topics; watched films and also played educational games. In the evening some of the groups also prayed the rosary on the terrace. The Group Building Days ended with a bonfire-type program where everyone gathered together in fellowship. It included games, dances and spot prizes. It was indeed a very well organized program to conclude these Group Building Days.

Initially there was skepticism as to whether this would go one well since we were in the Seminary but to everyone’s surprise these days were really enjoyable and it helped to create a good bonding within the group, though this year it was inside the Seminary campus!

Br. Conrad Pereira

2nd Year Theology


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