Feast of St Gonsalo Garcia - 6th February, 2024
The blood of the martyrs laid the foundation of the church. On the 6th of February, the community at St Pius joyfully celebrated the feast of the son of the soil, St Gonsalo Garcia, the second patron of the Archdiocese of Bombay, who was martyred along with St Paul Miki and companions. The theme for the celebration was “To go boldly where Christ may show.” Fr Amol, a former student of St Pius, celebrated the Eucharist. He stressed the importance of seminary formation in preparing us for the mission of Christ.
The refectory and the chapel were decorated in the traditional style. The rector addressed the community, recounting the life of St Gonsalo Gracia and the hardships he encountered. He further said that the hardships we encounter during our formation should make us better people. Traditional food was served, and the brothers put on a traditional dance performance. Traditional songs were also sung, which added to the beauty of the feast. This celebration not only helped us grow spiritually, but it was also an opportunity for us to learn about different cultures and their traditions.
Br David De Souza
1st Year Theology