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FABC 50 Envisioning new pathways to prepare the future | Bp. Allwyn D'Silva

His Lordship, Bp. Allwyn D’Silva addressed the seminarians and staff in a conference which was conducted on 11th October. The conference began with an opening hymn.

Bp Allwyn then began by speaking about the 50th anniversary of the Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences (FABC). He gave a brief history and purpose of the FABC. He also provided information about various offices such as the Office of Human Development, Social communications, etc.

He proceeded to unveil the preliminary document. He mentioned that this document will be discussed and updated in the upcoming FABC 50 Conference. The objective is to find a way to reaffirm, renew and revitalize the whole church in Asia.

The theme is inspired from Matt 2: 12 “… and they went in a different way.” It implied that the church should explore various ways to function in today’s world. He explained the emerging realities that the document would consider and reflected on the images of Jesus in the Asian context. Thus, he encouraged us to be prepared to do our ministries in the with fidelity to the Asian context.

After his talk, Bp. Allwyn freely answered the questions raised by the brothers and the fathers present. The conference concluded with a vote of thanks and a concluding hymn.

Br. Jewlyn Fialho

1st Year Theology


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