August Recollection
A day before the feast of St. John Marie Vianney (who is the patron of the pastoral clergy) the community of St. Pius Seminary had their recollection on the theme “Priesthood - A journey to self-discovery”. The preacher of the day was Fr. Ashwin Castellino, assistant parish priest of St. Michael’s parish, Mahim. Fr. Ashwin began his first talk at 9:00 am by asking a straight forward question “Why do you want to become a priest?” and went on to explain that priesthood is not only about serving God or answering his call, but it is about having a relationship with God, Self and Others. He called it the ‘tripod of vocation’ and invited us to reflect on our identity or what defines us. He cautioned us about the three cancers (comparing, complaining and criticizing) and suggested the cure by being compassionate, cheerful and care-fronting. In his second talk he clarified the notion of love (which is misused and abused in today’s context) by saying that love does not mean expectation, attachment and feeling. Love is a conviction and acceptance of self and other. He beautifully connected the theme with the life incidents of St. John Marie Vianney and scripture. There was silent adoration between 11:30 am to 1:00 pm during which brothers could avail of the sacrament of reconciliation. The day ended with the holy Eucharist in the evening at 7:15 pm.
Br. Angelo Carlos Silveira
II Year Philosophy