Advent Recollection, 16th December, 2022
From our childhood experience onwards we’ve been involved in some way in crib making in the month of December. As we continue to prepare for the coming of our Lord, the Family of St Pius X had their recollection on 16th December 2022 and reflected on the earthly family of Jesus (Holy Family). The theme for the recollection was ‘something to crib about’. The preacher for the day was Fr Reuben Tellis who is serving as a Parish Priest at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church in Bandra. Fr Reuben Tellis began his first talk at 9.00 am by giving the meaning of the Crib and its beginning which goes back to St Francis of Asissi. The acronym CRIB can stand for catechise the faithful, the crib reconciles to God, the crib illumines our hearts and it builds communion with ourselves and others. The Holy Family that we see in the crib reminds the values that our parents and siblings taught us in our family and how can we establish these values in our St Pius X Family. Reflecting upon these reflections we sat in front of our Lord in silent adoration. To grow in perfection the sacrament of reconciliation was available for the community. In the second talk, the focus was on all the characters in the crib and how their attitude was in receiving the greatest gift from God. The greatest gift was worshipped with the gift of gold, frankincense and myrrh by the Holy Magi. Can we also identify the gift that we have and use them for building the Kingdom of God on this earth? The day ended by thanking the Lord in the holy Eucharist at 7.15 pm.
Br Clinton Rayar
3rd Year Theology