60th Diamond Jubilee Year - The Curtain Falls
5th October 2020, marked 60 years since the day St Pius X Seminary was inaugurated. The Seminary not only boasts of its long history but also about the significant role it has played in forming priests from all over the country. St Pius X Seminary boasts of being the Alma Mater of many Bishops, Priests, religious and laity who have played and still play an important role in the Church in India and the Universal Church at large. All this would not have been possible without the pioneering vision and zeal of the late Cardinal Valerian Gracias, the first Cardinal of Bombay and India. The seed planted by this great soul has bloomed into a great tree that has spread it roots far and wide and continues to produce the good fruit in abundance.
To mark the close of the Jubilee celebration a mass was celebrated by Cardinal Oswald Gracias with the Bishops Emeriti, Auxiliary Bishops, Seminary staff and a few seminarians present. Due to the ongoing pandemic and restrictions the celebration was a small private affair with the mass live streamed online. In his homily, the Cardinal spoke about the new Encyclical ‘Fratelli Tutti’ and the need for all of us, especially as future priests and seminarians to be in solidarity with all mankind, particularly in these trying times. He preached on how we should build the foundations of our life and formation on Christ and his Gospel. His Eminence also reminisced memories about the bygone years of the seminary and life in the seminary.
The Eucharistic Celebration was followed by a fellowship meal. Fr Aniceto Pereira addressed His Eminence and all those present about how the Diamond Jubilee coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic, almost disrupting all the plans for the festive occasion but yet becoming a moment of reflection and transformation. While the pandemic may have thwarted the Jubilee plans, it has not dampened the spirits as we face the challenges and continue with the formation in innovative ways. The Cardinal addressed the gathering and imparted some paternal words of advice before saying the final prayer to close the event.
Though not a grand affair like initially planned, the event was a blessed one. The event brought down the curtains of the 60th Diamond Jubilee Celebrations of St. Pius X Seminary. We thank God for the fruitful 60 years he has granted to the Seminary of St Pius X and through the intercession of our beloved patron, St Pius X, we earnestly pray that the work of preparing workers for the vineyard of the Lord may continue. We also thank God for all our friends, benefactors, supporters and families who through their prayers, support and help, have made this day possible. May the good Lord bless them all abundantly.
Br. Dorson D. D’Mello
2nd Year Philosophy