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"I have run the race… now there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness" (2 Tim 4:7-8

If you happen to visit St. Pius College in the evenings between 4 – 5:30 pm, you will be greeted by a young man running in the campus. As you make your way from the watchman's cabin to the seminary entrance, this young man will have lapped you a couple of times. This seminarian is not being punished for committing any fault. He is a man on a mission.

Meet Bro. Melborn Leo Poshapir, from Our Lady of the Sea Church, Uttan, studying in 2nd Year Philosophy. Melborn has a childhood love for running and as he grew he developed a passion for it. Ironically it helps him relax and de-stress himself after a long day of classes and other activities. He is the hands down winner of the annual St. Pius "marathon" where he laps every other competitor save himself!

It is one thing to win the seminary event, but could he finish the real deal? Posing this challenge, the seminary encouraged Melborn to participate in the annual Tata Mumbai Marathon. Determined to give his all, Melborn took up the challenge and started preparing for it with even greater zeal. This meant sacrificing some precious hours of sleep and comfort by rising early morning and practicing in the chilly weather outside for an hour and still making it for Morning Prayer at 6:25 am.

On Sunday, 20th January 2019, Melborn successfully completed the Mumbai marathon of nearly 42 kms for the second year running. His timing was an impressive 4:00:38, bettering his personal best of last year. He was given two medals and a certificate of participation for his accomplishment.

Even in the rigorous preparation involved to successfully complete this herculean task, Melborn is able to link this arduous exercise with his spirituality;"I must run and labor for Christ and proclaim His Good news", he says joyfully!

Br. Cedric Rosario

3rd Year Theology

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