On the 29th of July 2018, his Lordship, Bp. Allwyn D’Silva conferred the Order of the Diaconate on five seminarians studying in the Fourth Year Theology (four for the Archdiocese of Bombay and one for the Diocese of Nashík) . In audience with the community of St Pius, were the close friends and family members of our beloved deacons, who witnessed the transition of these fine young men, from the lay state to the clerical state of life.
In his homily, the Bishop exhorted the candidates to model their life on Christ, the humble and obedient servant, who loved till the end. He cited the example of our Holy Father Pope Francis who washed the feet of prisoners on Maundy Thursday this year, surprisingly wearing the stole of a deacon, to emphasize the role of service which a deacon is called to exercise in a special way in the Church. The Bishop challenged the newly ordained deacons to serve not only the people, but to also be at the service of creation.
On the eve of their ordination on July 28th, a beautiful prayer service was organized for the candidates, during which they made the Profession of Faith, took the Oath of Office – promising to embrace all the obligations arising from the Office of the Diaconate and finally committed themselves to lifelong celibacy in order to serve God and his people with an undivided heart.
After the Celebration of the Ordination mass, the community celebrated the joy of the Church by felicitating the deacons with a cake cutting ceremony followed by lunch. It was a moment of great joy for us as a community to see the wonderful witness of our newly ordained Deacons. The seeds of the priestly vocation which were sown 8 years ago, had now transformed itself into a sturdy tree, one with firm roots, bearing rich fruits.
We give thanks to the Lord for the gift that he entrusts to these 5 men through the sacrament of Holy Orders. The call they have received is indeed a treasured gift, a gift for the Church and to each one of us in our diocese, a gift that will bear fruit for the exciting mission of the new evangelization. We pray to God for their families who have entrusted their sons for the mission of the Church and continue to pray that our Deacons be strengthened in the Love of the Lord and be filled with zeal of serving the poor and marginalized.
Br. Cedric Rosario
3rd Year Theology