THE LOVE OF CHRIST: Candidacy to the Diaconate and Priesthood
As the Universal Church celebrated the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, we at St Pius X College, had more than one reason to rejoice as seven of our brothers, 5 for the Archdiocese of Bombay and 1 each, for the Diocese of Mangalore and Belgaum were admitted as candidates for the Diaconate and Priesthood by His Lordship, Bp. Bosco Penha.
Candidacy to the Diaconate and Holy Priesthood is when the seminarians enter into the final phase of their seminary formation. They willingly prepare themselves to share in Christ’s mission in a special way.

From L-R (Behind row): Br. Godfrey Malu, Br. Cliffton Mendonca and Br. Cedric Rosario (Front row): Br. Kelvin Santis, Br. Edward Selvan, Br. Joseph David and Br. Steven Coutinho
The theme for the occasion was ‘The Love of Christ’. Bp. Bosco showed us how we can we can all experience and grow in the love of Christ in simple ways. Out of the many, he chose to spell out three:
1. In all tasks and responsibilities assigned to us, we must see Jesus in all that we do, however trivial or difficult.
2. He exhorted us to call on the name of Jesus at all times and in all circumstances, even in small things like climbing the stairs or boarding a bus.
3. To grow in our relationship with Jesus and to manifest His love to others, we need to spend more time with Him by visiting the Blessed Sacrament regularly. The fruits of our labor would depend on this union with Christ.
Like Saints Peter and Paul who were men of action and referred to as “the two lanterns” burning with the love of Christ and illuminating the paths of those whom they encountered, we pray that our seven candidates be filled with robust zeal to work for Christ and as St Paul wrote in his letter to the Philippians, May God who has begun the good work among them bring it to completion (Phil 1:6).
Br. Keith Miranda 2nd Year Philosophy