Taize Prayer Service in the Seminary Chapel
The chapel of St. Pius X College witnessed a very meaningful 'Taize Prayer Service' on Saturday, 16th September at 7 PM. It was conducted by the Kadenza Kantori of Bandra. Two Taize Brothers, Jean Patrick and John Louis, both originally hailing from India, were in attendance.
The prayer service began with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Taize chants led by a professional choir helped the participants to enter deeply into a contemplative mood. The word of God, read very meditatively, provided a message that was easily absorbed because of the interior stillness created by the Taize chants. After the intercession the prayer was concluded with Benediction. It was amazing to see most participants continue to pray even after the service was concluded. Everyone left with the thirst for prayer quite satisfied.

Fr. Aniceto Pereira