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Academic Guidelines



The guidelines which follow have been formulated keeping in mind the purpose and goal of academic formation as expressed in two landmark documents on Priestly Formation: John Paul II’s Pastores Dabo Vobis (1992) and the CBCI’s Revised Charter of Priestly Formation in India (2004).

“The commitment to study, which takes up no small part of the time of those preparing for the priesthood, is not in fact an external and secondary dimension of their human, Christian, spiritual and vocational growth. In reality, through study, especially the study of theology, the future priest assents to the Word of God, grows in his spiritual life and prepares himself to fulfil his pastoral ministry.” Pastores Dabo Vobis, No.52.


“The intellectual training of seminarians aims at widening their vision in Christ of God, the world and man, and at the same time deepening their faith, that they may wholeheartedly commit themselves to the service of the Kingdom of God and of the Church.” (RCPFI 3.2.3a)


English Competency


Since English is the medium of instruction, students are tested for their knowledge of English prior to admission. Only those who score 50% and above in the English Test are eligible for admission.


Quiet Times


St Pius X College tries to provide an atmosphere conducive to study and reflection. Hence there are certain ‘Quiet Times’ when a special effort is made to maintain silence so as to foster reading and reflection: from 8.15-9.00 a.m.; 2-3 p.m.; 6-8 p.m.; after 9 p.m.


Attendance and Punctuality


Regular and punctual attendance at lectures is mandatory. A student unable to attend a lecture for a good reason has to get an exemption in writing from his moderator or from the Dean (if the moderator is unavailable) and inform the professor concerned through the class prefect. External students should get an exemption note from the Dean. Students are also expected to be inside the classroom once the ‘second bell’, i.e. the bell indicating the commencement of the lecture, has rung.




  • Every course/subject, except those designated as ‘Seminars’ will be followed by an examination (usually held around one week after the end of the course). Some courses including seminars may entail the writing of a short assignment or a class-presentation which may be included as part of the assessment.

  • The mode of examination will be decided by the professor/s concerned.

  • At the start of the year a letter of the English alphabet will be drawn by lot, and the order of names for oral exams will begin with that letter. The order will follow the list of names as it appears in the seminary students’ roll.

  • Any change in the date of an exam requires the permission of the Dean. The date of the rescheduled exam is to be negotiated between the student and the professor concerned.

  • No student can be promoted to Theology without clearing all subjects in Philosophy. Nor can one who has failed to clear all exams of Theology appear for the Comprehensives.


Guided Assignments


  • All students, except those exempted by the Dean, will write a ‘guided assignment’ each year.

  • A few courses will be selected at the start of the year from which the student will indicate his/her choice of subject in which to write a guided assignment. The final allotment of assignments will be decided by the Dean. Students of Theology are strongly encouraged to choose a subject from a different theological field (Scripture, Systematic Theology, Moral Theology, Liturgy) in each of the three years.

  • Students writing a guided assignment in a subject will also have to appear for the exam (Oral or Written) in that subject. The distribution of marks in such cases will be 50% for the exam and 50% for the guided assignment. 


Marks/ Grading System 


  • All exams will be marked out of 100. A student must secure at least 40 marks to pass. 

    • Pass Class: 40-59

    • II Class: 60-69

    • I Class: 70-79

    • Distinction: 80 and above

  • The Dean can add in any subject a maximum of 2 grace marks after consulting the professor concerned.

  • The results of the exams will normally be submitted to the Dean as follows: Orals within two days; Written/Assignments within six weeks, not including the Diwali, Christmas and Summer holidays. 

  • Late submission of assignments by students will result in a deduction of marks and a lower grade.


Sanctions for Copying and/or Plagiarism


Clear and blatant copying in a written exam as well as plagiarizing in assignments are very serious offences and any student found guilty of indulging in these practices will have to face sanctions as determined by the academic council.




  • Re-exams will be held on a day and time mutually agreed upon by the professor and the student. The student should inform the Dean of the date and time of the re-exam.

  • Subjects cleared in a re-exam or at subsequent attempts will be marked ‘40P’ in the marksheet.




  • A student who fails in three or more subjects in a year will come up for review by the Staff who will decide the sanction to be imposed.

  • A student who fails in the re-exam of a subject will not be deemed to have two failures, but anyone who fails repeatedly in the same subject will come up for discussion by the Staff.

English Competency
Quiet Times
Attendance & Punctuality
Guided Assignments
Marks/Grading System
Archdiocesan Seminary of Bombay

Aarey Road, Goregaon (East), Mumbai 400 063

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